Minimise Ecological Footprint

With the extensive reach of our business, the Group is devoted to making a positive impact in the face of climate change. Across our business units, we act responsibly by reducing and managing waste and carbon emissions from our operations. The Group is among the first to disclose its GHG emissions on the carbon footprint repository for listed companies in Hong Kong.


The Group recognises that the changing climate can potentially affect our assets physically, day-to-day operations and other business aspects. Our business units conducted a climate risk mapping to identify risks. Based on the findings, we formulate policy, strategy and adaptive measures to reinforce our climate resilience and mitigate the potential impacts.

Strengthening our resilience and using sustainable resources are intertwined with our business, therefore, we go beyond compliance with legislation and adopt international standards in managing the use of water, energy, as well as protecting the environment.

Environmental initiatives are well in place in our business units commensurating with their scale and operations. For instance, upgrading the lighting and air-conditioning, adopting smart system, changing conventional water taps to automatic sensor faucets, organising waste recycling and collection programmes, and raising green awareness and fostering behavioural change among people.

Our efforts are recognised by LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), the most widely used green building rating system in the world, while Shanghai Wheelock Square achieved LEED Gold for Existing Buildings, Wuxi IFS was awarded LEED Gold for core and shell, Changsha IFS and Chengdu IFS were awarded LEED Platinum for Existing Buildings.