Training and Development

The Group aims to remain an employer of choice. We execute a fair and transparent recruitment process. Recognising our role to provide greater opportunities for our people and future talents, we compensate employees with welfare packages commensurate to their qualifications and experience. We also promote work-life balance, equal opportunities and a safe and inclusive workplace.


To enhance the competence of our talents, the Group and our business units offer training programmes covering a wide spectrum of topics such as skills enhancement, professional development, occupational health and safety, anti-corruption and other relevant legislation.

Staff Engagement and Well-being

We value employees' feedback and suggestions regarding our business operations and other specific issues. Engagement channels such as staff newsletters, staff surveys, town hall meetings and the Intranet platform are used to communicate with our employees across the business units. The Management reviews and provides solutions to address concerns. At the group level, the Wharf Staff Recreation Committee regularly organises recreational activities to foster the holistic wellbeing of our employees. Each business units also organise activities which are tailor-made for employees to enhance their well-being.


Ensuring workplace safety and health is our priority. Each business unit has set up a safety committee responsible for identifying, reviewing and managing occupational safety and health risks. We have also formulated Safety and Health Policy for the Group to follow.